Sunday, June 08, 2008

Doh! A Deer

What a week! Finally, after a month of silence I think I may have something to actually write about. My first month back has been alright. It kind of feels as though life went from being busy and stressful to stopping. It is like time doesn't really exist in Linden, despite the fact that it passes so quickly. I haven't done too much since getting back. I've made amends in some broken relationships, been working almost every day, save Sunday, in various places, played a lot of computer games, and we went hiking up in Johnston Canyon around Banff. It was so wonderful to be back in the mountains.
So ,this week. Well, Monday was...not a normal Monday. Linden has two banks, one of which feel victim to an armed robbery Monday morning. Yes that is right folks, people actually rob banks in small towns still. I can't believe it actually happened. No one was physically hurt, thankfully, but they still haven't caught the guys. There was a helicopter and cruisers swarming town all day and the next. I even got questioned by an officer because at the time of the robbery I was minding the coffee shop. Unfortunately I was of no help to the officer.
Sports Day was yesterday. On the first weekend of June, for the past 33 years, Linden Ag-Society has hosted a community fair complete with parade, tractor pulls, soft ball tournaments, and various quaint mini-games. Typically, the population of my small hometown doubles overnight as the caravans of soft ball players overtake town and there is a whir of energy in the air. This year there were no caravans. There was neither a soccer tournament nor any baseball. The parade was marginal and the turn out was lacking. Shortly after the parade it started puring rain and we had a thunderstorm which not only knocked out power for four hours (which then caused all the businesses in town to close), but also washed out my street and did well in creating a great number of new pot holes throughout town. Disappointing.
The day started of weird: I slept in. I never do, really. I almost missed the free pancake breakfast, but hustled my tush enough to get a healthy portion of breakfast sausage, eggs and a few pancakes scarffed down before starting work at the coffee shop. There were four baristas running the show at good ol' Global. I loved it! I was working the espresso machine between my lovely former boss and Laura; it felt like a great team. Sadly, the night before, while working at the restaurant, I somehow hit my right hand on something and it wasn't and still isn't feeling to great. Either some fingers are out of place or I did some more serious damage as it hurts me to grasp things. I'll get it figured out.
So, after the power went out and after our laptops had run out of battery power, my roomies and I decided to go pick up their little sister and head into the city to see a movie. We went to the city but did not see a movie, but rather idled our time away at Wal-Mart and Futershop, looking for a Wii game. After we couldn't find it and were desperately bored, we headed home. But getting home proved to be more difficult than we even thought it would be.
Along the road, about 40 minuets aways from Linden, and around 10pm, our path collided with a deer. A doe, in fact, who had just given birth to a few fawns on the road. We were in a trusty little Honda Accord and all wearing our seat belts and going the speed limit of 100kms/h and all of a sudden we were in an accident. The deer missed the bumper but destroyed the left front quater panel of the car, the left headlight assembly, the side view mirror, hood and nearly came through the windshield. I was in the passenger seat and leaning forward at the time of impact and suddenly it was like we hit a wall and there was glass everywhere. As a result, I sustained some mild whiplash (really, not too bad); no one else was hurt. The people in the truck behind us happened to be friends and farm boys, who thankfully hauled the deer off the road for us (though it was still alive for a while and calling to it's babies, so sad!!!). But we're ok. And for those of us who aren't, I'm sure they will be. It was a first accident for the other three passengers, but not me. But it was scary. We were all pretty shaky. Anyway, almost two hours later, we had finally got a ride the rest of the way home and dealt with the police, but we made it finally.
So, I am off to see my RMT tomorrow if possible and hopefully my roommate's car is fixable, and not just a write off. He is planning on moving out to Abby with me in a few months, and this could force him to stay here. What a week. If my arms and shoulders weren't so sore, I'd say I needed a hug.

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