Monday, March 03, 2008

Cap'n Crunch

I can not believe that there is only one more month to my semester. It is going to go by so fast! Even more crazy, I have been living out here for more than half a year! Where does the time go?
I must apologize for a previous entry of mine. Recently I made an entry in which I completely bashed my English class, calling it a waste of time. The irony is, after writing that entry, ending it, and then going to class, I was handed back the summary paper I wrote. It was a rewrite. In my whole career as a writer I have never once been told that I needed to rewrite something. Ever since Grade 2, I have been praised for my writing abilities. So, needless to say, when I got the "Rewrite" I was rather surprised. I felt like I was cut at the knees. It was a pretty crushing blow to my ego and my confidence. I had been so cocky and arrogant towards my English class--my teacher and classmates--and getting one rewrite was enough to make me think that I couldn't write. Despite all the high marks I got on my term paper and essays last semester, one little summary paper with a non-existent mark on it was enough to humble me.
In the week that I had to rewrite that paper, I also had to write a critique paper for the same class and five essays for a Political Science midterm (which I have yet to get back), and the whole week had me stressing out. It got me focusing on my studies and critiquing myself to no end--I poured so many hours into those papers. Both the revised summary paper and the critique paper were handed back to me last week with A's, but the marks, although relieving the worries, fell pretty much flat on me. I was just proud of myself simply for the fact that I was able to prove my strengths even at a time when I was "caught with my pants down." It was pretty cool, and a totally needed attitude adjustment.
On a lighter note, I am helping out with DEMO Crew again this year. We're heading in from July 14-18 and I will be 20 years old by the time we're there. Me, 20? It's kind of intimidating! Anyway, so my English class, once again, has proved to be far more than I thought it would be. My professor, and only my professor, has tailored her course around social issues facing youth and the homeless. I did not know this when I signed up for her course, and to that, I can only give credit to God. If you know me, you know that homelessness and the societal struggles people face while in the cycle are incredibly close to my heart. I was blessed with so many opportunities to volunteer at the Mustard Seed in Calgary when I was young and impressionable. Now that I am lending my services as a leader to younger folks interested in doing the same, I find it ironic that my English class, a class so unlikely to act as a think tank for homeless issues is just that! I mean, it is an essay topic and I have to discuss it for a final grade! It is totally a prep course for my upcoming leadership this summer. Amazing. So I mean now to lend credit to my English class. It is awesome.
On the more funny side of life, my friend and I skipped campus for dinner today. We went over to a Timmy-Ho's (just down the street from my Starbucks, which makes me a traitor), and after having a ball of a time and noticing the time, seeing that we had six minuets to get me to class, we frantically left. However, Abby is a city where common sense and straight roads don't exist. We ended up lost in a Rona-Costco parking lot, just trying to figure out how the heck to get to the road which would supposedly take us back to the school. At long last we found it, and then promptly found ourselves driving around in the countryside. It was fun. We randomly stumbled upon a place called Cap'n Crunch, which was fittingly a car demolition place. Good fun.

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