Sunday, July 01, 2007

Ode to Billy Joe

The other day I had this really cool little thought, and I wrote it down. I don't really know what inspired it or anything, but it just kinda came out in a thought. Think about it:

It is the one thing that is truly universal; the one thing we are all yearning for, the one thing that will, ironically, undoubtedly let us down, no matter how hard we try. People, all over the world-- every minuet of every day of every year-- are under its control and there is no way to run away from it. Life. Life, true life, abounding livelihood, is the one thing that can motivate us to do the impossible, and the only universally common disease. It is susceptible to time, to love, and impacted by thousands of lives around itself during its existence. One person can not be immune from its rapture. There is no escape! There can be no genuine desire to abandon it; it is the greatest sacrifice that can ever be made. It is the fundamental paradox of all Creation: that something can be made to live and to die. Life can be created, destroyed, lost, found, reborn, and no matter what happens to it, it will always be eternal. Life is deemed too long and wished over for some, and for others it is too short. For some there is too much Life to live, and not enough time to do so, and for others, just being alive is too overwhelming. When it seems to end, the lost life will persist, ceaselessly, in another life. It is the Divine cycle: to awake, to breathe, to suffer, rejoice, cry, to grow, make mistakes, regrets, and after Life's years have dried up, it was created, ultimately, to end. Life was created to end, but not to be uncreated. It was designed for inevitable failure, despite Life's best efforts to remain alive. It will end. It all physically ends. But after the physical life comes the metaphysical life, and there, life will continue. Ceaselessly. Nothing can erase life.
We are not invincible. The same day will never be lived twice, and wasting time stuck in a rut means losing something that is more precious than may be commonly conceived. Moments should be savoured, remembered, loved--whether they bring happiness or pain, hope or disdain--all moments are fleeting. Grow in them. C'est le vie! Carpe diem! Vive! "O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells; Rise up--for your flag is flung--for you the bugle trills...."
Every day is a blessing, and God wholly wants to see His creations come alive in it. He wants to overwhelm us in the beauty He created, to taste life, to sweat life, to feel alive. He created everything--absolutely everything--be it by means of a big bang or gradual adaptation to changing environments (which HE changes, not David Suzuki); He wants them to be enjoyed and reveled in, and guess what, He created everything to end. Be it human life or anything else, He created the Divine cycle! Everything follows it, and it is simply another way of showing His awesomeness, and faithfulness in that He knows what He is doing, though we might not.
Sometimes everyone needs to hear "Seize the day" and wake up, again.

Anyway, I thought that was cool. Something my lazy brain needed to hear again, and the whole cycle thing and God's faithfulness deal is pretty encouraging at a time when all anyone it talking about is how the world is about to stop working altogether. Cool.